Imagine large, rich, and very fresh flowers in muted tones, with prominent soft orange and various shades of pale orange. The bouquet showcases giant Roses in extremely delicate shades of pink, coral, and pink, along with many refined pink Hortensia and large, pure pink Peonies. The entire arrangement is composed of large, lush flowers, combined in a sophisticated color scheme without any harsh tones. “Venice” it’s a floral delight ready to be delivered for those special moments in life.
Please be mindful that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal fluctuations, and the assortment may depend on what is accessible at the time of your order. In situations where specific flowers are not obtainable, we’ll replace them with the closest alternative to maintain the overall aesthetic you desire. If, for any reason, the creation of your selected bouquet is inexecutable, rest assured, we’ll reach out to you as fast as possible for a thorough discussion.
40-45 cm diameter