The basket can be customized in various shades of Roses to match your preference or the theme of your event. Additionally, we offer the option to add a personal touch by incorporating a letter, initials, or a number in the center of the arrangement. This makes it ideal for marking significant milestones like wedding anniversaries, milestone birthdays, or special achievements.
For added personalization, you can choose different shades of Roses to match the recipient’s favorite colors or the event’s theme.
At Manakin Fleurs et Décoration, we are your trusted florist in Nice, France, providing flower delivery across the Côte d’Azur.
It’s important to note that our flower collection is influenced by the seasons, and the assortment is based on what is currently obtainable when you place your order. In situations where certain flowers are unavailable, we’ll gladly substitute them with the closest alternative to maintain the desired appearance. If, for any reason, the creation of your chosen bouquet is unattainable, we’ll reach out to you promptly for a consultation and together we’ll decide what is the best combination for your bouquet.