2 550,00 TTC

Red Roses Bouquet: Luxury Royal Roses Flower Basket

Make a grand statement of love with the Red Roses Bouquet. Featuring a classic arrangement of 350 premium Red Naomi Roses, this luxurious flower basket is the epitome of timeless romance. With a generous diameter of 120cm and wrapped in elegant red paper, it is the perfect centerpiece for significant occasions and long-lasting memories.

Whether it’s an anniversary, a romantic celebration, or a gesture of love, the ‘Red Roses Bouquet’ ensures unforgettable moments. Each rose is carefully selected for its beauty and freshness, creating an arrangement that exudes luxury and elegance.

SKU: ROYAL ROSES Categories: , ,

Manakin Fleurs et Décorations is your trusted flower delivery service in this region, covering Saint Tropez, Cannes, Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Nice, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Eze, Monaco, Menton, and the entire Cote d’Azur. Additionally, under certain circumstances and for large orders, we may be able to transport further afield.

Please be mindful that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal fluctuations, and the assortment may depend on what is accessible at the time of your order.
In situations where specific flowers are not obtainable, we’ll replace them with the closest alternative to maintain the overall aesthetic you desire. If, for any reason, the creation of your selected bouquet is inexecutable, rest assured, we’ll reach out to you as fast as possible for a thorough discussion.





2 550,00 TTC