From: 140,00 TTC

A delightful bouquet featuring light pink and fuchsia Garden Roses, a stunning combination that will captivate anyone. Perfect for romantics, this bouquet exudes elegance with its subtle shades of pleasing pink.

Send a romantic gesture with these Garden Roses, the ideal expression of love. Your bouquet will be sent via courier delivery, carefully wrapped in specially designed paper to protect the stems during transit. Personalize your gift by writing a heartfelt message.

Manakin Fleurs et Décorations is your trusted florist for flower delivery in the entire Cote d’Azur. Please note that under specific circumstances and for large orders, we may extend our delivery services even further.

Kindly be aware that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal changes, and the selection may vary based on what is accessible at the time of your purchase. In instances where specific flowers are unavailable, we will substitute them with the nearest alternative to maintain the overall aesthetic. If crafting the exact bouquet you’ve requested is hard or impossible, we will promptly contact you to initiate a discussion on the best solution.

Diameter 45-50cm

SKU: Mono Nr.001 Category:

S, M, L, XL, XXL

From: 140,00 TTC