In this lovely bouquet named “Stunning Impression,” you’ll find vibrant pink Hortensias, fuchsia Roses, and pink/light pink Lisianthus. It’s a lively burst of colors, celebrating emotions, life, and a touch of romance. The bouquet is a vivid mix of various pink shades, from soft to intense, with white flowers adding a refined touch.
This bouquet is an expression of elegance and charm. Order “Stunning Impression” now and bring vibrant beauty to your special moments.
Manakin Fleurs et Décorations delivers flowers locally to Saint Tropez, Cannes, Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Nice, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Eze, Monaco, Menton, and all along the Cote d’Azure. For special situations or large orders, we may extend our delivery services further.
Please remember that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal variations, and the assortment may rely on what is accessible at the time of your order. Whenever specific flowers are unavailable, we will substitute them with the nearest alternative to maintain a balanced composition. If, by any chance, the bouquet you’ve selected cannot be crafted, rest assured, we’ll get in touch with you for a personalized discussion and you’ll receive the best option available in season.
Diameter 1m