An extra special romantic bouquet that will truly captivate your heart. This opulent arrangement features blush pink Hydrangea, white Hydrangea, white Matthiola, light pink Roses, white Roses, Anemones, and Eucalyptus, carefully arranged in a grand basket with a diameter of more than one meter.
The bouquet is a rich display of pure, pale, and regal tones, with shades of light pink and light yellow. The basket itself is enormous and exudes luxury.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of fresh flowers. “Infinite Elegance” promises to leave a lasting impression with its warm colors and refined style.
Manakin Fleurs et Décorations is your trusted flower delivery service in this region, covering Saint Tropez, Cannes, Juan-Les-Pins, Antibes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Nice, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Eze, Monaco, Menton, and the entire Cote d’Azure. Additionally, under certain circumstances and for large orders, we may be able to transport further afield.
Please be mindful that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal fluctuations, and the assortment may depend on what is accessible at the time of your order. In situations where specific flowers are not obtainable, we’ll replace them with the closest alternative to maintain the overall aesthetic you desire. If, for any reason, the creation of your selected bouquet is inexecutable, rest assured, we’ll reach out to you as fast as possible for a thorough discussion.
Note: We can make the same composition in different sizes, according to your preferences and budget. Sent via courier delivery to protect the stems in transit.
Write a personal message with your gift.
Diameter 1m