350,00 TTC

Flower Bouquet “Sunset in Monaco” is an exquisite arrangement, radiating elegance and charm. Comprising pink Hortensia and delicate light violet Lysianthus, intertwined with the soft hues of light pink Roses and the subtle warmth of peach Mathiolla, this 65-70cm diameter bouquet is a masterpiece. Perfectly curated by Manakin Fleurs, it embodies sophistication and beauty. Celebrate birthdays or express affection with the happy birthday flowers that showcase this stunning ensemble. The blend of vibrant colors and delicate blossoms creates an enchanting visual and aromatic experience.

Visit Manakin Fleurs, your go-to flower shop Nice France, for the most exquisite and delightful floral arrangements.

It’s important to note that our flower collection is influenced by the seasons, and the assortment is based on what is currently obtainable when you place your order. In situations where certain flowers are unavailable, we’ll gladly substitute them with the closest alternative to maintain the desired appearance. If, for any reason, the creation of your chosen bouquet is unattainable, we’ll reach out to you promptly for a consultation and together we’ll decide what is the best combination for your bouquet.

65-70cm diameter

SKU: Bespoke Nr.027 Category:
350,00 TTC