Discover the breathtaking “Carmen” bouquet, exclusively available on, our premium flower delivery platform in the heart of the south of France. This magnificent floral arrangement is a celebration of life’s vibrant intensity, meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of awe and joy. With a generous diameter ranging from 70 to 80cm, the “Carmen” bouquet is a true masterpiece, featuring a harmonious blend of pink Hortensia, dark purple Hortensia, purple Iris, fuchsia Roses, purple Lysianthus, and burgundy Dahlia.
Imagine the brilliance of raspberry pink, deep purple, and fuchsia elegantly interwoven, creating an explosive display of colors that symbolize the richness and beauty of life. Each flower, from the delicate pink Hortensia to the regal burgundy Dahlia, is carefully selected for its premium quality, ensuring a stunning visual impact.
Kindly be aware that the availability of our flowers is subject to seasonal changes, and the selection may vary based on what is accessible at the time of your purchase. In instances where specific flowers are unavailable, we will substitute them with the nearest alternative to maintain the overall aesthetic. If crafting the exact bouquet you’ve requested is hard or impossible, we will promptly contact you to initiate a discussion on the best solution.
70-80cm diameter